Nau mai, haere mai
Kā mihi mahana, kā mihi aroha!

It is with pleasure that I introduce Bathgate Park School to you. Established in 2012, Bathgate Park School was opened after Macandrew Intermediate and Forbury School merged at the end of 2011.
Our whakataauki is “He kākano ahua i ruia mai i a Rakiātea" - I am a seed born of greatness.
To realise our vision and whakatauki, Bathgate Park School will develop and support the students, staff and community to reach their fullest potential. To be the best version of themself.
I am sure your child will enjoy their time at BGP, and will over time develop into being confident, resilient, knowledgeable learners who will respectfully participate in our school community and beyond.
Please be in touch with us if you have any queries or concerns. You can phone 03 455 3421 to make an appointment time with any of the staff or email us. All staff email addresses include the person’s first name e.g.
Kā manaakitanga
Katrina Robertson